A Kabla's Short CV
Born on July 28th 1977 near Paris, France.
Nationality: French
University of Cambridge, Lecturer/Professor of Mechanobiology. (04/2007-present)
Harvard University, Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Postdoctoral fellow (12/2004-02/2007) in the group of Professor L. Mahadevan.
Australian National University (Canberra), Applied Mathematics Department
Postdoctoral fellow (11/2003-11/2004) in the group of Dr. Tim Senden.
Collège de France – Université Paris VII,
ICS – Research Centre on Macromolecules, Strasbourg, France.
Ph.D. in Physics, September 2003. Advisers: J.-M. di Meglio & G. Debrégeas
Thesis title: Plasticity and Disorder in Divided Materials: Foams and Granular Matter
Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France
MRes in Physics, June 2000.
Agregation (Physical Sciences and Chemistry), July 1999.
BS in Physics & Computer Sciences, June 1998.